This is the 113th in an ongoing series aimed at providing the overworked DM with ready-to-run encounters.

The PCs encounter the red triangle, a terrifying monstrosity created by Jah-Aims. Jah-Aims crossed a boundary even the maddest mages usual respect, combining a hat with a creature.

It includes a history/background for the encounter, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file.

Red triangles come in CR 1 and 5 versions, so this encounter is suitable for parties of level 1 or higher.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The encounter includes:

  • History/Background for the encounter.
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monster: Ka’Reemed K’orhn
  • Color Map(s)
  • NPC Stats


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Word file of the encounter.
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity Module.
  • Images
  • Map(s)


MFE #113: Red Triangles – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (

This is the 112th in an ongoing series aimed at providing the overworked DM with ready-to-run encounters.

The PCs encounter Ka’Reemed K’orhn, a horrific ooze from another reality. Will the PCs survive or get creamed?

It includes a history/background for the encounter, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file.

Ka’Reemed K’orhn come in CR 0, ½ and 4 versions, so this encounter is suitable for parties of level 1 or higher.

Videos for my D&D products are available on my Eternal Library: Random Universes YouTube channel.

Information about my other D&D products is available on my web site,


The encounter includes:

  • History/Background for the encounter.
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monster: Ka’Reemed K’orhn
  • Color Map(s)
  • NPC Stats


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Word file of the encounter.
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity Module.
  • Images
  • Map(s)


Mike’s Free Encounter #112: Ka’Reemed K’orhn – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (

There are situations when the heroic PCs might be expected to face large numbers of relatively weak foes, such as the crew of an enemy ship during a naval battle or a troop of infantry sent by a warlord to terrorize a village.

Because of the headache of running many so many creatures, DMs often put these foes in the background and resolve the fight by narrative. While this is a good option, players might prefer to fight such foes. These squad rules provide a solution to this problem, allowing a DM to run squads of creatures without slowing down the game. But these rules also benefit players directly.

Spells that summon, create or conjure large numbers of creatures can significantly slow down combat. While banning such use can speed up a game, it does rob players of some optimal options. Fortunately, players can be allowed their armies of minions while the DM retains their sanity. The solution is the use of squads.

For handling animate dead, Bones & Brains provides squad rules for making the unlife of necromancers easier. For animate objects, Squad: Animate Objects provides a custom-made solution. This work provides a general set of squad rules that can be used to handle any squad fight.


Squads – Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (

This is the tenth adventure in the R series, taking place after R9 Sebak’s Mine. It can also be run as a standalone adventure or even scavenged for individual encounters.

In this adventure, the PCs take to the sea in search of two missing ships. Will this be a surface engagement or will the ancient secrets of Grem Tor take them into the depths?

It includes a history/background for the encounter, a map, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. This adventure is suited for a party of 3-6 characters of level 5-10.

Unearthed Arcana: Of Ships and the Sea has a set of (free) ship and ship combat rules that can be used for this adventure. D&D Beyond also has statistics and deck plans for ships. Custom stats and maps for the ships in this adventure are included.

As the adventure includes large crews and forces, optional rules and stats are included for squad combat.


The adventure includes:

  • History/Background
  • New Monsters: D’Aroine Bladedancer, D’Aroine Warhulk, Sahuagin Wereshark, and Shark Devil.
  • NPC Stats
  • Color Maps
  • 12+ Encounters
  • New Magic Items: Copying Paper, Mara Dun’s Helm, Message Conch, Serpent Stone
  • Interrogation Rules
  • Squad Combat Rules


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • Maps (with and without grid).
  • Illustrations
  • Fantasy Ground Unity Module
  • Word File of the adventure


Pay what you want on Dungeon Masters Guild

“What about the dark places between the stars? Don’t you realize that’s where the good stuff is?”

-Tasha (Cauldron of Everything, page 38)


The Circle of the Dark Spaces Between the Stars is a druid subclass that draws upon the dark places between the stars as well as the dark stars.

In contrast with the Circle of the Stars, the Circle of the Dark (the shortened name of the circle) inflicts necrotic damage and commands some of the power of the gravity of the dark stars.

This work includes the subclass, the spell Dark bolt, and the magic item the Circlet of the Dark Star.

A Fantasy Grounds Unity Module accompanies this work, the module includes the coding for the subclass abilities and spell.

Pay What You Want on Dungeon Masters Guild

Illusion spells often become nightmares for Dungeon Masters and players alike. While illusions spells hold out the promise of cool possibilities, they often prove disappointing because of the difficulty in making them work effectively within the game mechanics. Players often find them to be unreliable, useless, or something that bogs down a game in debates.

This work is aimed at restoring the dream by providing a practical guide to using and running illusion spells like Major Image. As much as possible the guide sticks with RAW and gathers answers about rules questions from scattered sources into one place.

But this work goes beyond RAW to add to the game by providing new uses for illusions and some clarifications.

A Concise Guide to Illusions – Dungeon Masters Guild (Free)

This is the 111th in an ongoing series aimed at providing the overworked DM with ready-to-run encounters.

The PCs encounter Sand Bones, a cursed soul bound to its sand buried bones. Will the PCs survive or get washed away like a sandcastle in the waves?

It includes a history/background for the encounter, maps, and monster stats. The companion ZIP file contains JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid), the Word file of the encounter, and a Fantasy Grounds Unity Module file. As a single Sand Bones is CR 3, this encounter is suitable for parties of level 3 or higher.


The encounter includes:

  • History/Background for the encounter.
  • Encounter guide.
  • New Monster
  • Color Map
  • NPC/Monster Stats


The companion ZIP file contains:

  • JPEG versions of the maps (with and without grid).
  • Word file of the encounter.
  • Fantasy Grounds Unity Module.
  • Images
  • Maps

Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild.



This royalty free map collection contains 25 free color maps including dungeons, woods, swamps and beaches.

The maps are divided into versions with grids and those without.

The PDF displays the maps in the collection and each map is included as an individual JPEG file.

Legal Information

You may reduce, enlarge, re-label, crop, or color the maps. The creator’s name (“Michael LaBossiere”) must be included in the final published maps if it appears in the original maps. You may not resell these maps. If you use this image in a publication (digital, print or otherwise) you must include this statement:

“Some maps copyright Michael LaBossiere, used with permission.”


Available on Dungeon Master’s Guild